We are all capable of living our best possible, when we tap into our gold-mine; our ‘gifts’. Are you thinking you have no gifts? Think again!
Our knowledge, passion, experience and skills are valuable gifts we have been blessed with.
Yes! And my number one goal is to help you transform them into impact and income.
Years of managing a pharmacy business for a multi-chain company, led me to gaining a myriad of mindset, leadership and entrepreneurship skills. My role; doubling as a pharmacist and pharmacy-manager gave me clarity on some of what I love; retail, counselling, speaking and training. I saw myself using those skills outside of pharmacy, just not sure how.
Then I came into ‘coaching’ and it all came full circle. Looking back, I realized I was already coaching others for free with the knowledge I’ve gained; helping friends turn their passion to income, women professionals position their expertise for impact.
Years later, I finally got the courage to ‘practice what I preach’ and started my own coaching business.
Today, I feel blessed and I’m grateful to Allah for helping me build an impact-driven brand. Permit me to remind you…if you can dream it, you better believe it, because you can achieve it!
If you are a professional woman, an aspiring coach or entrepreneur who wants to live her best, a more purpose-driven life of impact … It’ll be a great pleasure, to help launch your dream coaching/consulting/online-course business, using my signature ‘GTTB’ Framework- a tried and tested system I curated from experience building my business and helping other women do same.
Get on a Discovery Call with me. Let’s clarify and build a plan for your next steps.