Fabienne Frederickson said and I quote
“The things you are passionate about, are not
random, they are your calling”
We all have unique gifts, could be our passion/skill/knowledge,
and it’s important that each one of us takes time to
figure it out, and begin to shine (and thrive with it) in
the best way possible. This is one sure way to live a
happier, more fulfilled and purpose-driven life.
So beloved…
I urge you, to take that step today, BIG or SMALL,
one step at a time, to finding purpose, making
impact and creating wealth (yes!, that too )
I urge you, to push through the barriers, to silence
the negative self-talks, the limiting beliefs.
I urge you to embark on that journey of self
Find what sets your soul on fire
Find that which fills you with vibrant energy
Listen to the cues from your soul
Seek It
Find It
Embrace it
Nurture it
Grow it